我们知道生活是不可预测的. Unexpected costs and needs can cause significant stress and impact your academic success and personal wellbeing. 这就是为什么在贝米吉州立大学, we are working together to provide support to currently enrolled students.

援助可以有多种形式, including emergency appointments and help with communication, 奖助金, 贷款和/或校园和社区资源. Below are some of the resources available on campus and throughout the community. 额外的资源 在校园里也有吗.

如果你需要帮助找到合适的资源, contact Bemidji State’s vice president of student life and success to help you get started:

电子邮件: 特拉维斯.greene@9590x.com


桥梁福利筛选工具 is a project by Children’s Defense Fund-Minnesota to improve the well-being of families and individuals by linking them to public work support programs and tax credits.


寻找食物援助, help to pay bills and other free or reduced-cost programs, including new programs for the COVID-19 pandemic using findhelp.org.


明尼苏达州家庭投资计划, 或MFIP, helps families with children meet their basic needs, while helping working parents move to financial stability through work. 家庭通常从……开始 转移工作计划(劳务和退休金部).


提前, 以前被称为食品券, helps Minnesotans with low incomes get the food they need for nutritious and well-balanced meals. 如果你被批准申请提前, 你可以在很多商店使用你的福利, 农贸市场和老年人餐饮场所.



贝米吉州立大学 and 明尼苏达州 have partnered with 联合劝募协会211 to establish a statewide basic needs resource hub. 的 basic needs resource hub 提供了 贝米吉州立大学 students access to basic needs resources and support available on campus and in the community via phone, 每周7天,每天24小时都发短信或聊天.联合劝募协会标志

联合劝募协会211 提供了 免费保密 卫生和公共服务信息. 他们一天24小时都在, seven days a week to connect you with the resources and information you need. If you’re looking for information about services available in your community for you or a loved one, 他们可以提供帮助.


文本 MNHELP to 898-211(TXT211) or call 211 (toll free at 1-800-543-7709) to speak with one of their highly trained information and referral specialists. Your call is completely confidential, and they have call menus in English, Spanish and Hmong. Interpreters are also available for any language.

访问211网站 to learn more or to explore resources and support that may be available.

To search the 211 database of basic needs resources online, please visit the 学生基本需要网站.


巴基食品储藏室 (218) 755-3760, 尼娜.johnson@9590x.com
In partnership with the United Way of the Bemidji Area, and through generous donations by BSU/NTC faculty and staff, 巴基食品储藏室 提供了 students with supplemental, 货架稳定的杂货,没有成本.


刷出饥饿餐饮服务餐刷 – A limited number of meal swipes for Wally’s 餐厅 Center will be loaded on to student ID cards and can be used at any of the regularly schedule meals at Wally’s.


住宅生活 (218) 755-3750, reslife@9590x.com


雪松公寓 - Bemidji州为学生家长提供的住房


怀孕及育儿学生 (218) 755-3750, reslife@9590x.com

Additional student parent support services at BSU:

雪松公寓 - Bemidji州为学生家长提供的住房


资讯科技服务 (218) 755-3777, 服务门户
资讯科技服务 提供了 IT tools, support and services that enhance educational and workplace experiences and values.



公共安全 (218) 755-3888, publicsafety@9590x.com
的 BSU/NTC 公共安全 Department handles all parking permit requests/disbursement and parking ticket processing.

Additional transportation support services at BSU:

巴基的自行车 - Bemidji州可持续发展办公室


财政援助办事处 (218) 755-2034, financialaid@9590x.com
Support students and families with information and resources to financially support your educational goals.

Additional emergency grant support services at BSU:

  • 随机善举计划 – awards ranging from $50 – $200 that can help students afford rent, 照顾孩子, 医疗保健, 气体, 等.
  • 援助之手基金 – one-time awards up to $500 from the Naadamaageng Fund to help deserving American Indian students overcome emergency financial obstacles on their way to achieving their education goals.


学生健康与辅导 (218) 755-2053, 健康Services@9590x.com
Clinic, immunization, education and referrals are some of the offered services.



  • 艾滋病- 1 (800)342-2437
  • 酒精危机热线- 1 (800)422-0045
  • Crisis Line (24 hr) Beltrami County – 1 (800) 422-0045
  • Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline – 1 (866) 223-1111
  • 药物滥用热线:1 (800)252-6465
  • 进食障碍热线- 1 (800)511-9225
  • Lakes Area Pregnancy Support Hotline – 1 (800) 395-4357
  • Local Suicide Prevention Hotline – 1 (800) 422-0045
  • 精神健康危机热线:1 (800)422-0045
  • 诺斯伍德受虐妇女收容所 – 1 (800) 588-6229
  • 文本 4 Life (suicide prevention) – 文本 LIFE to 61222